Syniverse sets up two new IPX Points of Presence in Bangalore, Mumbai


Syniverse has established two new points of presence (POPs) for its IP Packet eXchange (IPX) network in Bangalore and Mumbai, India. 

The POPs are part of Syniverse’s increased infrastructure investments designed to broaden its global reach, enhance end-user experience and decrease costs for its customers.

“With the myriad of network types that exist in the Indian marketplace and 4G rollouts on the horizon, an IPX connection is the only way mobile service providers (MSPs) in India can ensure long-term interoperability and interworking,” Syniverse Chief Operating Officer Alfred de Cárdenas said.

“By choosing Syniverse for IPX connectivity, MSPs will realize cost savings from connecting closer to their operations and enhance end-user quality of experience due to regionalization of network traffic. Moreover, a single set of connections to the Syniverse POPs in Bangalore and Mumbai provide MSPs access to a global partner network for 3G, 4G, IP and signaling services.”

The Syniverse PRIME IPX Network Solution provides a carrier-grade, five-nines connection to Syniverse via a global all-IP network that currently serves more than 80 MSPs worldwide.

Syniverse PRIME IPX also offers one-stop access to Syniverse’s full suite of mobile services, including those available as part of Syniverse’s portfolio of LTE solutions. This “one connection, multiple services” approach lowers costs and boosts operational efficiencies, as it reduces the number of network connections an MSP must manage.

MSPs in India will now benefit from even more significant cost savings by choosing Syniverse PRIME IPX because they will not have to incur the cost of implementing an IPX connection outside their region. Further, their end users will benefit because regional roaming traffic will be routed locally minimizing delays and boosting quality.

MSPs in India and across the globe that opt for Syniverse’s IPX solution also benefit from the company’s unmatched service reliability, backed by 18 data centers on three continents, including centers in New Delhi and Mumbai. Syniverse’s network is monitored 24×7, 365 days per year by Syniverse Command Center locations in Tampa, Fla., USA, and Bangalore, India, which provide full georedundancy.

“With consumer demands for seamless, always-on mobile services at an all-time high, MSPs must consider new ways to deliver advanced services to end users while maximizing efficiency,” said John Wick, Senior Vice President, Network, Syniverse. “Syniverse has invested heavily in infrastructure improvements in India and across the globe to ensure our solutions support these needs and ultimately allow our customers to provide the highest level of service to mobile users.”