Sentiens unveils its Multi-Technologies LPWAN Core Network Offer


The Internet of Things has for many years brought together a wide range of innovations to address a wide range of applications. Today, the result is a multitude of technologies that transmit data over heterogeneous wireless networks that do not talk to each other.

The challenge for Sentiens is to enable all these innovations to work together so that all types of data can be collected worldwide. IoT users are faced with the question of the sustainability of available technologies. Paradoxically, this is what limits the massive deployment of objects and threatens the sustainability of many IoT players.

In this, Sentiens defines itself as a catalyst, and provides a core network that natively integrates several technologies. In a single product, Sentiens provides access to Sigfox, LoRaWAN, Zeta and BLE protocols. In addition to supporting as many protocols as possible, Sentiens has designed its core network to be interconnectable, whatever the underlying technology used. Thus, Sentiens uses the same principles that made the internet successful, namely the interconnection of networks to provide a homogeneous service to the application.

For its customers, Sentiens allows to mix devices from different suppliers designed to use Sigfox, LoRaWAN, BLE or Zeta networks. Each Sentiens customer can deploy a few antennas to cover its application needs, thus creating its local network and joining a global network that allows it to receive data from antennas that do not directly belong to it.

The Sentiens core network runs on a Raspberry Pi base as well as on the AWS or Microsoft cloud, allowing our customers to choose the deployment mode of their networks according to their operational constraints. Object tracking is by far the killer application that justifies the existence of the IoT. To track an object around the world, it is necessary to aggregate all the existing networks!

According to Wikipedia, the “Sentiens” provides an evolutionary advantage that allows conscious choices to be made and thus adapt to more situations. This definition prevails in the positioning of the company!