NYK, MTI Co. Ltd., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) undergoes joint test for next-generation onboard IOT platform


Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), MTI Co. Ltd., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), and NTT DATA Corporation have successfully conducted a proof-of-concept experiment for a next-generation onboard IoT platform. The test was held aboard Hidaka, a domestic coastal vessel owned and operated by Kinkai Yusen Kaisha Ltd. of NYK Group.

The NYK Group (NYK and MTI) previously developed a ship information management system (SIMS) that enables the gathering, monitoring, and sharing of detailed data between ship and shore, with the aim to promote safe, efficient operations. The data includes information on the operational condition and performance of oceangoing vessels.

From last September, the four companies began a collaboration to make use of NTT edge-computing technology to develop a next-generation onboard IoT platform by adding to SIMS a new system that would enable the remote distribution and management of onboard applications from land offices. This experiment was conducted using NTT DATA’s ANYSENSE IoT platform and the communication company’s expertise developing infrastructure that makes use of IoT solutions.

This platform is also compliant with onboard IoT international standardization being devised by the Japan Ship Machinery and Equipment Association. In addition, the gathered data can be utilized not only on board but also from an IoT open platform ShipDC, a ship data center established by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Class NK).

The four companies performing this test will next conduct a proof-of-concept experiment on an oceangoing vessel operated by the NYK Group, and continue to create innovation in the maritime industry to improve safety and the efficiency of vessel operations, and promote environmental initiatives and global competitiveness.