Forsway Signs Broadcast Modem Technology Partnership with KenCast


Forsway and KenCast are looking to boost their position in the broadcast market thanks to a new combination of the two companies’ products and technology. Under the terms of a new partnership contract announced July 19, KenCast’s Fazzt multicast content delivery system will be delivered on Forsway’s Odin F-50 satellite modem and Xtend satellite platform.

The combination agreement aims to enable KenCast to offer a solution for underserved segments with poor connectivity by integrating its Fazzt multicast content solution with Forsway’s satellite broadband technology and hardware. While KenCast’s current geographic core markets are North and South America, the company believes the new integrated solution will attract strong interest in other developing economies

“While millions still have poor connectivity and infrastructure, the partnership will enable an expansion to provide underserved regions with a robust, low-cost and reliable connectivity, and Forsway to establish a footprint with new multicast capability,” Tobias Forsell, CEO at Forsway said in a statement.

Forsway has sought to expand its footprint through partnerships in recent years. Forsway’s Scandinavia business recently announced a collaboration involving Satcube along with Chalmers University of Technology, and Gapwaves to bring a next generation Ka-band Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) terminal to market. In April of last year, the company expanded its partnership with regional service provider CSS to deliver affordable broadband in West Africa.