Mobile Operators, Banks, Retailers & Public Transport Providers Sharing Case Studies at Mobile Payments & NFC World Summit 2013


Stakeholders of mobile payments & NFC will be sharing case studies and their vital views on how to develop and deploy innovative and sustainable mobile payments services at Mobile Payments & NFC World Summit 2013 which will be held from 18 to 19 April 2013 in Hong Kong.

Representation of the stakeholders at the summit are :

Mobile Operators : Bangladesh, China Mobile Labs, Dialog Axiata & Grameenphone

Banks: Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, National Payments Corporation of India & Standard Chartered Bank

Retailers – Australian Retailers Association

Public Transit Providers – Land Transport Authority of Singapore

The following key issues will be addressed in depth with necessary Real World Case Studies:

Regulatory Issues for Mobile Payments and the Applicable Rules and Regulations

Current State and Future Trends of Mobile Payments

New Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Banks in Delivering M-Payments

For Banks – How to Successfully Align Financial Services with NFC and Mobile Payments Systems?

Interbank Mobile Payment Service (IMPS) and How It Will Affect the Payments Landscape

Opportunities for Increasing Sales Volume for Merchants/Retailers in Deploying M-Payments

Retailer Case Study – Mobile Payments in Australia – Are We Advanced or Behind the World?

Transit Provider Case Study – Evolution of NFC Applications for Mobile Commerce in Singapore

Operator Case Study – Business Model in A Bank-Led Environment

Operator Case Study –  NFC – More Than Payment

Innovative Mobile Payments Strategies to Capture New Market

Additional Revenue Generating Channels through Deployment of M-Payments

Critical Success Factors in Deploying Mobile Payment Services? – From Each Stakeholder’s Point of View

Benefits and Business Case Drivers for Each Stakeholder

Comparisons – Operator-Centric, Bank-Centric, 3rd Party Centric or Collaboration

Critical Success Factors in Implementing Mobile Payments Services – Partnerships, Alliances, and Joint-Ventures

Profitable and Sustainable Business Models

How to Handle New Players that Have Emerged Strongly Positioned in Mobile Payments?

Benchmarking Remittances-The Future of Money Transfer

International Mobile Money Transfer and Remittance Market

Enhancing the Lives of the Consumers through Mobile Money and Improve Stickiness

Addressing Issues of Standardization and Interoperability

Banking the ‘Unbanked’ – How to Capture the Mass Market?

Effective & Sustainable Strategies to Encourage Active Consumer’s Usage of Mobile Payments

Accessing Mobile Users Cost Effectively & Securely

How to Drive the Consumer Usage of Mobile Payments?

New Innovative Delivery Platforms for Mobile Payment Services

Innovation & Sustainability in Offering Mobile Payments Services

Building A Robust and Sustainable NFC Infrastructure

Handset Technology Development Updates

Management and Cost Issues in Implementation

Security Issues – How to Succeed in Mobile Financial Services by Building A Trusted Brand?

Fraud Mitigation in Mobile Payments

Companies/organisations representing the Mobile Payments Ecosystem will be speaking at this conference :

Russell Zimmerman, Executive Director, Australian Retailers Association, Australia

Nitin Chittal, Vice President & Head, Direct Banking Group, Axis Bank, India

Solaiman Alam, Head of PR & Communication and Mobile Commerce, Banglalink, Bangladesh

Salil Bhuvanadasan, Mobile Financial Services, BICS Asia, Singapore

Zhao Rong, Senior Business Development Director, China Mobile Labs, China

Fariq Cader, Senior General Manager Mcomm, Dialog Axiata, Sri Lanka

Mir Rashedul Hossain, Head & General Manager-Business Development, Financial Services, Grameenphone, Bangladesh

Sandeep Indurkar, Head-Mobile Payments, ICICI Bank, India

Silvester Prakasam, Director (Fare Systems), Land Transport Authority, Singapore

Philip Yen, Group Head, Emerging Payments Asia/Pacific, Middle East & Africa, MasterCard Worldwide

Ram Rastogi, Head-Interbank Mobile Payment Service, National Payments Corporation of India

Tom Wills, Managing Director, Secure Strategies, USA

Basker Rangachari, Regional Chief Marketing Officer, Hong Kong & North East Asia, Standard Chartered Bank, Hong Kong

Dan Armstrong, Partner, Takashi Mobile, The Netherlands

Sebastien Taveau, Chief Technical Officer, Validity, USA (formerly Astronomer/Principal, Mobile Ecosystems Integration, Paypal)

Gregg Marshall, VP of Business Development, Western Union, Singapore

Theconference website is :

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