Mobile Web processing capacity for an entire network with a single HP server

The SLG technology on the HP DL380p G8 server demonstrated processing of mobile data traffic with full logic defined both at IP and HTTP level at 18.8GBit/s of throughput.

Broadband Systems have completed a benchmark test of the Service Logic Gateway HTTP Header Enrichment (SLG HHE) solution in the HP Solution Centre in Houston, Texas, USA. Using a top model of the latest HP server line, equipped with the Intel Xeon E5 CPUs, a record breaking throughput of 18.8GBit/s was achieved with a single server.
From a performance perspective the test has shown that the SLG software is scalable enough to handle traffic up to the very limits of the network interfaces of the benchmark configuration. From a functional perspective the test proved that the SLG HHE solution supports enrichment of web traffic to selected web sites with mobile phone MSISDN information or aliases in a variety of ways.
“At Broadband Systems we are dedicated to helping mobile operators modernize their mobile data services with solutions that are both simple and powerful. The outstanding results of the HP Texas benchmark show that our focused product development is achieving results that are head and shoulders above the norm of the industry. “says Michael Andersen, Broadband Systems’ CEO.