New QR-Code Mobile Payment Platform, weQless Could Help Restaurants Reopen Safely


A novel, new mobile payment system launching soon could help the hard-hit pubs and restaurants of the UK get back to business safely and conveniently. As restaurants around the country begin reopening their venues, they will struggle to find ways to take orders and payments in a socially distant, contact-free manner. QR-Code payment system, weQless removes the need for customers to stand in queues or loiter at the bar to place an order.

weQless allows patrons to access a virtual menu via a unique QR-Code created for each venue and stuck on the tables. Customers place their orders via the app, then are redirected straight to the checkout page where they can pay in one click if they use Apple or Google Pay; otherwise, they can pay via debit or credit card. This system helps customers avoid handling grubby menus or standing in long queues next to strangers.

One of the best features of weQless is that it’s a Progressive Web App; which means users don’t need to go to the App store or Google Play to download the app. Instead; when visiting the web app for the first time, they get an option to add it as a mobile app on their phone’s home screen, providing a totally seamless dining experience.

weQless was founded in 2019 by entrepreneur Junior Mbativou who says; ‘A few months ago, I visited one of the most popular restaurants in London. What I initially thought would be a great experience turned out to be a bittersweet one, not because of the food -which lived up to the expectations- but because of the huge amount of time spent standing in queues just to place my order. I told myself, there must certainly be a way to improve the dining experience for such popular venues that won’t require queueing for so long. That’s how WE-QUEUE-LESS was born.’

It takes less than an hour for a restaurant to get up and running on weQless and the platform has several other features including a staff management system, a chat system, a booking system, a coupon system to reward loyal dinners, a one-click re-ordering button, and the entire system costs less than the cheapest card readers some restaurants currently use to take orders.

weQless is set to launch in July 2020 and is on a mission to transform the hospitality industry starting with restaurants and pubs but will soon expand to hotels.