Joint statement for an open internet – BEREC and the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) announce their intention to collaborate closely and expose their common understanding of net neutrality


BEREC Chair Johannes Gungl and Dr. Ram Sewak Sharma, Chairman of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MoU). Under the framework of this MoU, both BEREC and TRAI advocate for effective electronic communications regulation. It aims to promote competitive markets, technological innovation and value for consumers. Working closely together and learn from each other, will help to further enhance their markets.

Particularly, both BEREC and TRAI put strong emphasis on collaborative work on net neutrality. Therefore, they have also adopted a “Joint Statement for an Open Internet”. In this statement the two expose their common understanding of the building blocks of net neutrality rules and the core aspects of the regulators’ mission in preserving these rules. It also intends to show the willingness of both sides to develop regular exchanges regarding the implementation of these rules.

“Net neutrality is a vital principal and an open internet crucial for people around the globe. We are very happy to have TRAI as a partner to ensure a univocal protection of net neutrality principles for internet access services”, says Mr Gungl.

“We consider that the internet will continue to be an enabler of growth and innovation for countries like India who can use technology to leapfrog to the next stage of development. Therefore, it is important that the internet is kept as an open and non-discriminatory platform. Our MoU with BEREC gives us an opportunity to not only work closely together in areas like net neutrality, but also to collaborate in areas where the EU has adopted a very effective regulatory framework like consumer protection, broadband development and promotion of NGA roll-out ”, says Dr R.S. Sharma.


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